Friday, February 10, 2012

Fighting Over a Man/Woman

Getting into it with another person over a man/woman is the dumbest thing ever because it's pointless to fight for someone who was never yours or who does not want to be yours because if they did, there wouldn't be another person in the picture in the first place...PERIOD! If someone wants to fully commit to you they will not consider anyone else so if there are other people, your potential partner doesn't want to commit to you. Talk is cheap, actions speak volumes! If that person doesnt see you as the person for them you need to let them go...don't bring yourself down to the drama of fighting over anyone! Work on being a better person and bide your time until the person you don't have to fight for comes along.

That is all...

Take care,

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely! Fighting your love to someone you don't own or will never be yours is like shooting your head with your own bullet! It's a the saddest part of being inlove with is already committed to somebody else. However, if you really want that man to be yours of course you will do anything just to win but what's the use of fighting?when someone is hurt because of what you did?Sometimes you need to sacrifice for the sake of others.
