Thursday, January 19, 2012

Is Marijuana REALLY not bad for you???

God made came from the earth!  Therefore, in God we Trust...

That is a big argument for people who use's natural so it's not bad.  It is true that it's not manufactured it doesn't mean that marijuana is not doing bad things to you.  The thing is THC, the stuff that makes you high, works through your body slowly so you don't notice what's going on.  Smoking weed impairs your brain and you're just as intoxicated from smoking a blunt as you would be taking many shots. 

People can barely move or carry a conversation while high, let alone do important things like work, drive, take care of your kids.  For those of you who are "functioning potheads" there's a term for that...state dependent learning...and I bet you all my money that you don't function as well sober.  To make a long story short you learn things intoxicated and can only do them intoxicated.  For example:  you're usually a quiet person but when you've had one too many drinks you're the life of the party...and you're only social after (quite a) few drinks.  You learned to be social while you were drunk (because your inhibitions were lowered by the alcohol)'re not able to be the life of the party sober (you draw a blank...nothing)...that's state dependent learning. 

Another thing about marijuana is that they don't tell you that it jacks up your memory and focus.  If you have an IQ that makes Albert Einstein look like he's mentally retarded, you don't notice because you have brain cells to kill.  For everybody else, I bet you money that you're not as sharp as you used to be...things are hazy more often than you'd like.

I know all the potheads are like "Kimmy you don't know what the hell you're talking about!?" Hey, I'm not preaching to anyone, live your what you want...puff puff pass if that's your thing.  I'm just saying that if you think marijuana isn't doing anything bad to your brain, just pause for a second and do some Google searching.

That's all I want people to do...pause and think for a second before acting.

Besides smoking that stuff just kills a job search because that stuff stays in your body for 1-2 months (why? because the THC moves so slow through your body) no matter how much you sweat, drink water, cleanse yourself (urine tests can tell when you're faking now it's 2012 people so don't bother you're not fooling anyone) for the drug test for the new jobbizzle...but I digress...

Take care,

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